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Schüler | Niedersachsen
09.11.2010 um 21:15 Uhr
Hello smile
Wir haben heute zwei Arbeitsblätter mit Tabellen bekommen, die wir ausfüllen müssen.
In den Tabellen geht es um Grant & Jefferson ->Grants Besuche an Jefferson.
Es sind insgesamt 10 visits und wir sollen da posture/behavior/contact/quotations ausfüllen - jeweils zu Grant & jefferson.

Hat das schon jemand gemacht und könnte mir das mal zeigen? Aus irgendeinem Grund kann ich da kaum was ausfüllen und bräuchte ein wenig Unterstützung.

Ich wäre für jede Hilfe dankbar!

Thank you smile
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Schüler | Niedersachsen
09.11.2010 um 22:11 Uhr
Hey wir haben das auch in Gruppenarbeit gemacht =)
Bei einigen kann ich dir helfen:

visit 4, chapter 11:
Jefferson acts like a hog; eats like a hog.
Grant sits upright; acts cultivated.
Grant and Jefferson haven´t got any close contact. Jefferson tries to make Grant feel guilty.
“you brought me some corn ?”
“That´s what hogs eat.”
“You´re an human being, Jefferson!”

visit 5, chapter 17:
- Grant tries to find a connection to Jefferson
-> he wants to adress Jeffersons feelings
-> „ when your nannan came back from seeing you […] she broke down crying“ (p.122, ll.1+2)
- Jefferson is not interested in getting help
-> he doesn’t want to speak to Grant
- Jefferson protects himself by saying nothing
- Jefferson tries to provocate Grant
-> „ Her old pussy ain’t no good“ (p.123, l. 20)
The effort of approaching each other only comes from Grant

visit 7, chapter 22
posture: stands under the window
behaviour: wants to make Jefferson feel good
contact: - they are in the same room and talk to each other
Jefferson starts talking
quotations: “ You need anything, Jefferson? “ (p.162 l.8 )
“ You want to talk about anything?” (p.162 l.11)
“ Let me bring you a little radio.” (p.164 l.3)
posture: - leys on the bank
- sits on the bank
behaviour: he feels better and starts talking to Grant about his wishes
quotations: “ I want a whole gallona ice cream”, he said (p.162 l.33)
“ Ain`t never had enough ice cream. Never had more than a nickel cone” ( p. 163 l. 2+3)

visit 9, chapter 24
- the minister, Emma, Tante Lou sit down- Grant doesn´t
- Jefferson comes in followed by the deputy
- J. looks at the ground, head down through conversation
- after G. talking to him, he raises his head with slight smile
- G. and J. talk about unimportant things (eg. radio), even though it´s right before execution
- J. doesn´t want to eat
- J. cries when G. talk about heroes
- G is reliable- brings notebook + pencil what he promised to do
- G. is very loyal to J.
- they don´t talk to much (J. just nods)
- G. tries to cheer J. up (eg.: "How´s it going partner?")
- then G. talks about being a hero
"To them you´re nothing but another nigger- no dignity, no heart, no love for your people. You can prove them wrong. You can do more than I can ever do." (-Grant)
"Do you know what a hero is, Jeffeerson? A hero is someone who does something for other peole. He does something that other men don´t and cannot do." (-Grant)
Jefferson is very to himself in the beginning of the scene. He is probably thinking about the execution. He seems to be weak and not able to function normally. But when Grant tells him that he can be a hero Jefferson is very touched and the scene ends in an optimistic way- both of them believing that they are doing the right thing and that there is a point in their doing.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von -Kristina- am 09.11.2010 um 23:14 Uhr
Schüler | Niedersachsen
10.11.2010 um 16:19 Uhr
Vielen dank Kristina smile
Schüler | Niedersachsen
10.11.2010 um 16:24 Uhr
huhusmile hier noch Ergänzungen zu -Kristina- :

Visit 1, Chapter 9

Posture: Jeff is lying on his bunk
Grant is standing
Behavior: Jeff is starring up at the ceiling
Grant feels uncomfortable
Contact: Jeff has eye-contact with Grant, but doesn't answer
Quotations: Jeff--> " It don't matter"
Grant--> " And I wished I were somewhere else" ( p. 67
l.31f.Klett-Auflage )

Visit 6, Chapter 18

Posture: Jeff lowered his head, head was bowed
Grant is sitting
Behavior: Jeff has eye-contact with Grant
Grant feels uncomfortable; tries to explain things; reminds Jeff
of his obligation to Emma
Contact: Jeff speaks a little, in the end he doesn't answer
Grant speaks a lot

Visit 10, Chapter 28

Posture: Jeff is sitting on his bunk, his hands are clasped together
Behavior: Jeff compares himself to Jesus
Grant praises Jefferson for his charge
Contact: Jeff's relation to Grant is closer now
Grant is happy about speaking a lot with Jeff
Quotations: Jeff: " I'm going do my best, ...that's all I can promise"
( p.196 l.37f Klett-Ausgabe )

Ich hoffe , ich konnte helfen Augenzwinkern
Schüler | Niedersachsen
10.11.2010 um 20:49 Uhr
ich bedanke mich bei euch beiden sehr smile
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