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Schüler | Baden-Württemberg
23.01.2016 um 12:12 Uhr

wollte mal fragen ob jemand eine Zusammenfassung für die Kommunikationsprüfung hat und wie ihr euch darauf vorbereitet ? cheesy

Schonmal Danke im vorraus für eure Antworten cool
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Schüler | Baden-Württemberg
23.01.2016 um 17:31 Uhr
Ich denke mal, dass ich mir zu fast jedem Thema ein paar Vor- und Nachteile zusammensuche, damit ich etwas handfestes habe. Ich mein, daraus ist die Prüfung ja hauptsächlich aufgebaut.
Schüler | Baden-Württemberg
11.02.2016 um 17:03 Uhr
Zusammenfassung wäre echt top!
Schüler | Baden-Württemberg
13.02.2016 um 01:56 Uhr
Ich hab eine, bin jedoch auf einem beruflichen Gymnasium, weiß nicht ob die Themen übereinstimmen mit dem allgemeinbildenden.. Jedoch fehlt bei mir was zu Fracking und zu weitern Themen was Amerika angeht..
Viel erfolg smile

The British Empire

in the 19th century, the BE was the largest in world history. It was also the world foremost global power.
The first british colony was established in Jamestown, 1607, Empire kept changing as Britain gained and sometimes even lost new territories.
The colonies supplied Britain with important raw materials including cotton, tea and rubber

The BE was made up of colonies, protecorates and other territories, which were under the sovereignty of the British crown and the administration of the british government.

Britain was a powerful and wealthy nation > defeated other european countries and conquered indigenous people. Rapid technological advances in the 19th century aided expansion.

Motives for the british Expansion:
trade, economics, politics, ambition, religion, adventure and curiosity

better medical care,better legal, education and transport systems.
tried to eliminate practices that they considered barbaric, cannibalism and slavery.

Why did the Empire decline?
After the world wars, the british were more interested to rebuilding their own country . They realize that it was no longer feasible to run such a large empire.

The british empire had a huge impact on the world. the formation of the commonwealth has meant that most of the former colonies still have links with britain. Many of them are parliamentary democracies with a legal system based on the british law. > English is still the main or secondary language.

2. The Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 54 independent sovereign states. Compromising Great britain and a number of its former dependencies. It was founded in 1931. Member countries are spread around the world.
The Queen is the head of the Commonwealth.

The CW is characterized by its diversity. 1,7 billion people have a wide range of cultures, languages, nationalities and faiths. Most of them have a common heritage of language, culture, law and education.

The CW is committed to democracy, human rights, the rule of law and good government. The heads of

government meet every two years to discuss progress and needs.

3. UK and the EU

Britain has always played a somewhat special role in Europe.
First it was keept from joining the EEC twice because france vetoed Britains application both in 1963 and 1967.

Britain has been a member of the EU for 30 years now, but they did not join the Euro Zone and still uses their individual currency.

Actually on 2017 it will be comes to the decision if the UK still keeps being a member of the EU or not.


4. American Dream


term first was used by J.T. Adams it describes the american way of live in general its highly individual, any person has its own concept for it. It changes permanently, theres no universally accepted definition.

for some it means:

having the opportunity to achiebe anything by working hard.
liberty, equality, freedom of speech, simple happy life
pursuit of happiness -> right to live, to be free and have property.

Example: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barack Obama.

Opposite: American Nightmare.

5. The Social media

Is a form of electronic communication. You can uste it by social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more. Using social media means sharing information, posting pictures and share your ideas and messages.
While using social media you’re a member of a big community. Which is including the whole world.

Reasons why we use the internet:

to stay in contact with friends
find new friends
to be available everywhere
get attention/be famous
showing parts of our life
to get social recognition

May If you’re not using social media, you wont be a part of the society. You’re currently updated from everyone & wont miss important dates, events and facts.

6. Technology

7. Cloning

8. GM Crops

are genetically modified crops, which scientists can add nutrients. For e.g. potato with proteins in it.

How are they made?
remove he gene that produces this protein
transfer this gene into the plant you want to protect
firing them into the plant using a special gene gun
new plant are grown into full site plants and are checked that they develop normally and are save
Now they have to be approved by national government bevor they can be used.

There are 2 main types of GM-Crops:
tolerating herbicides that kill other plants.
plants which produce a toxin that kill pests.

9. Global Warming

means gradual increase in Earths average temperature caused by the emission of so called greenhouse gases that trap solar radiation in the Earths Atmosphere.

This is a type of greenhouse effect which is caused by humans.

The impacts could be for example:
that the earth is becoming unnaturally and dangerously warm
we may have hotter summers, milder winters, and heavy rainfall.
it could be more extreme weather events like hurricanes, tornados, heatwaves
natural habitat of plants, animals and people are changing and also the extinction of certain species and ways of life (for e.g. icebears)

The causes of global warming are:
The industrial revolution, amounts of carbon dioxide
by burning fossil fuels -> heavy industry & deforestation
industry & pollution
emission of greenhouse gases: Co2, methan, ozone, nitrons oxide.

What can we do against the Global Warming?
using bikes, go by feet
driving cars with electricity
using solar energy -> natural energy

10. Water scarcity

Water scarcity is gonna be a big issue in our World nowadays.
The population is growing, so the water consumption has almost doubled.
We need to drink, to wash, to cook with it & to deal with human waste. Its already mostly used in industry and agriculture, for 70% of all the water using in the world.

Water Pollution from Industry
direct effect of water scarcity will be on health, like gastric causes by drinking contaminated water.

Solution possibilities:
- puryfing seawater e,g, with a big desalting plant.
reuse water
conserving water
introducing laws
rainwater to water your plans
in developing countries, wasteful water supply systems could be mordernited
Schüler | Baden-Württemberg
15.02.2016 um 19:31 Uhr
Vielen dank! Immigration to the us und UK ist noch ein großes Thema. smile
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