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Schüler | Niedersachsen
06.10.2011 um 17:18 Uhr
hat jemand eine Summary von dem Text Is American culture American?
Oder kann mir jemand sagen worum es in diesem Text geht? Verstehe den gaaaar nicht verwirrt
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ehm. Abiunity Nutzer
21.11.2011 um 18:54 Uhr
Ist zwar schon etwas länger her, aber vielleicht hilft dir ja folgendes etwas weiter?! War mal eine Hausaufgabe zu dem Text.

Main points
Lines 1-7,
1st paragraph Since at least 1901, people around the world have been afraid of Americanization and the loss of national traditions and culture.
2nd paragraph Academics, journalists and political activists regard the subliminal American culture as a synonym for global culture.
3rd paragraph America is a consumer of influences and at the same time a former of world values.
4th paragraph American culture is so popular because it is influenced by a lot of different immigrants and their cultures.
5th paragraph America is not the inventor of fast food, amusement parks and movies. They come from other countries.
6th paragraph English became the language of mass communication because of its simple structure and grammar and its shorter ways to articulate.
7th paragraph Americanization came because of the American media, which has to reach different characters because of the immigrants and so reaches many different countries and people today.
8th paragraph America has transformed what it received from immigrants into a culture for everyone and everywhere, that made it an emotionally and artistically culture for the whole world.
9th paragraph American culture and so the United States is a copy of the world and not the other way around.

Summary in a text

The extract ‘Is American culture ‘American’?’ from ‘Global Issues: The Challenges of Globalization’ by Richard Pells, published in February 2006, deals with the topic of Americanization and the question whether American culture is American.
Firstly, the text tells that since at least 1901, people around the world have been afraid of Americanization and the loss of national traditions and culture and that many people regard the subliminal American culture as a synonym for global culture.
Another point is that America is a consumer of influences and at the same time a former of world values and its culture is so popular because it is influenced by a lot of different immigrants and their cultures.
After that the text clarifies that America is not the inventor of fast food, amusement parks and movies and that English became the language of mass communication because of its simple structure and grammar and its shorter ways to articulate.
Another aspect is that the Americanization came because of the American media, which has to reach different characters because of the immigrants and so reaches many different countries and people today and that America has transformed what it received from immigrants into a culture for everyone and everywhere.
In the end Pells gets clear that American culture and so the United States is a copy of the world and not the other way around.
Schüler | Nordrhein-Westfalen
23.09.2013 um 17:26 Uhr
Kannst du mir noch die definition von culture schreiben ?
Schüler | Niedersachsen
23.09.2013 um 22:59 Uhr
culture = die Kultur

Hoffe deine frage ist damit beantwortet Augenzwinkern
Schüler | Nordrhein-Westfalen
01.11.2015 um 20:40 Uhr
Nicht die Übersetzung! Nach der Definition wurde gefragt.
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