mir ist aufgefallen, dass in es in allen Semestern Figuren gibt, die zwischen zwei Welten stehen:
Rita: working class-upper class
(Frank: not typipcal upper class (drinking))
Jess: traditional family life-soccer
in general:
immigrants: home country (values, religion, lifestyle)-modern life in Britain
(first-generation immigrants maybe still more in "old life", second- and third-generation immigrants maybe more in "new world")
the lawyer in "Easy Rider" (George Hanson): upper class (lawyer)- a bit of criminalism (drinking, for this reason often in prison)
the hippies in "Easy Rider": want to be free, independent, farm for themselves, surviving without the help of others-have to sell something to eat (in the civilisation)
Billy and Wyatt: symbolize freedom, searching for freedom-can't find freedom (racism, hate, killed by men who aren't free)
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Rita: working class-upper class
(Frank: not typipcal upper class (drinking))
Jess: traditional family life-soccer
in general:
immigrants: home country (values, religion, lifestyle)-modern life in Britain
(first-generation immigrants maybe still more in "old life", second- and third-generation immigrants maybe more in "new world")
the lawyer in "Easy Rider" (George Hanson): upper class (lawyer)- a bit of criminalism (drinking, for this reason often in prison)
the hippies in "Easy Rider": want to be free, independent, farm for themselves, surviving without the help of others-have to sell something to eat (in the civilisation)
Billy and Wyatt: symbolize freedom, searching for freedom-can't find freedom (racism, hate, killed by men who aren't free)
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Zuletzt bearbeitet von Die Maria am 01.05.2008 um 23:35 Uhr
__________________Was ist das?
Das, mein Freund, ist ein Bierkrug!
Solche Bierkrüge gibts?
Ich will auch eins!
Aber du hattest doch schon einen ganzen Halben!
Das, mein Freund, ist ein Bierkrug!
Solche Bierkrüge gibts?
Ich will auch eins!
Aber du hattest doch schon einen ganzen Halben!