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ehm. Abiunity Nutzer
14.03.2017 um 17:21 Uhr
Hey, ich habe hier mal versucht immigration America/ Great Britain zu vergleichen...mich würde interessieren ob ich irgendwas wichtiges vergessen habe...ich würde mich über ein allgemeines feedback zu dem text sehr freuen smile

außerdem hab ich noch ein paar fragen:
-wann schreibt man 'british' groß/klein?
-heißt es Pakistani, Bangladeshi... oder the Pakistani, the Bangladeshi...
-heißt es Indian oder Indians (plural)?
- wird..their welfare state.. groß oder klein geschrieben?

There is no exact definition for ‘The American Dream’, but James Truslow Adams once said that ‘the American Dream is the dream of a land in which life should be richer and fuller for every man with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement’.
In other words, the American Dream opens one unlimited opportunities, so that everyone can climb up from rags to riches.
Both, legal and illegal immigrants came to America because they hoped for a better life than they had in their homelands.
The Puritans were the first ones to immigrate into America.
They came from England and their intention was to purify the Church of England.
In September 1620, 102 people left England for America. They sailed on a ship called Mayflower and arrived in Plymouth Bay.
For the Puritans, America was their ‘New Canaan’. The name ‘Canaan’, which is linked to the Old Testament, represents a promised land. Therefore, the Puritans called America their ‘New Canaan’, because it was their ‘promised land’.
Furthermore, the ‘Declaration of Independence’ in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The film ‘Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ presents Chris Gardner’s career. He wants to become a stockbroker but it doesn’t work. So, he loses his wife, his apartment and his car. At latest he becomes a stockbroker and is able to desire his wish.
The ‘Declaration of Independence’ says that all American citizens are created equal and it stresses the rights of the individual. That is what the film should show as well.
Moreover, the ‘Bill of rights’ guaranteed freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
With this in mind, the American Dream was an important reason for immigration.
Today everybody knows that the American Dream isn’t what it used to be before anymore, but immigrants still immigrate into America, because they hope for a better life.
One main reason which forces many immigrants to leave their home countries is political oppression. Usually, these immigrants lived in a non-democratic country before. When they immigrate into America or GB, they hope to get better human rights.
Another important reason is religious persecution. Some people flee from their home countries, because they are not allowed to practise their religion freely.
Examples in this case are the ethnic minorities in GB, like Pakistani or Indians.
Also, a few people like to immigrate into America/GB because relatives live there.
This is often referred to the Empire, because many people immigrated into England then.
One more reason for immigration is the economy.
Immigrants want to get a more efficient job. Many immigrants have skills or exceptional abilities they cannot (ausüben) in their homeland.
These mentioned reasons fir to America as well as to GB. In both lands, immigrants are more likely to start and own businesses than natives. This profits the economy and creates new workplaces..
In America the main issue is whether immigrants assimilate and integrate into their new society or rather keep to their beliefs.
Because they don’t integrate well, you can say that the American society became a salad bowl and is no melting pot anymore.
Also GB is more a salad bowl than a melting pot, because immigrants don’t integrate very well.
Furthermore, there are a few differences between America and GB when it comes to immigration.
The main difference is that the immigrants from GB are legal immigrants meanwhile they from America are mainly illegal immigrants.
These illegal immigrants are mainly from Mexico (Hispanics). They are non-citizens and they cross the border from Mexico without permission.
The Americans want to keep the Hispanics out of their land and they even created segregated neighbourhoods. In America the cultural diversity is for example shown in various kinds of bilingual roadsigns.
Another aspect why immigrants come to GB is the British ‘open-door-policy’.
In America it is different. Especially now with Donald Trump as the president it is difficult to get a visa for America.
One more difference is where the immigrants come from. Most of the British immigrants are from countries of the Commonwealth. American immigrants come from all over the world (American Dream).
The British are afraid of the abuse of their welfare state, but statistics show that most immigrants work and don’t claim the social welfare.
The British also expect the immigrants to integrate, bur there’s a growing number of immigrants not integrating well.
Examples why it may be difficult to integrate well, are the different religious festivals.
That is also a problem in America. The Americans celebrate the 4th of July, because it is the ‘Day of Independence’. Immigrants do not celebrate this day, because it doesn’t mean anything to them.
The ethnic minorities in GB, like Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, etc., are increasing continuously.
That’s why the British see danger fro traditional Britishness from large-scale immigration.
To sum it up, the reasons for which people immigrate into America and GB are almost the same, but the way they live together differs in each land.
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Schüler | Hessen
14.03.2017 um 18:07 Uhr
British wird immer groß geschrieben (da gibt's ja diese Regel, dass man Wörter, in denen die Ländernamen vorkommen, immer groß schreibt) Finde, dass du so gut wie alles miteinbezogen hast, außer am Anfang beim American Dream da würde ich noch dieses Phänomen Manifest Destiny miteinbeziehen smile
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nastaran am 14.03.2017 um 19:10 Uhr
ehm. Abiunity Nutzer
14.03.2017 um 18:32 Uhr
Ja ich war mir bei Manifest Destiny nicht sicher, weil ich nicht weiß in wiefern ich das auf immigration beziehen kann? o.O
Schüler | Hessen
14.03.2017 um 19:35 Uhr
ich bin überzeugt davon, dass du dein Abi schaffen wirst Augenzwinkern
Schüler | Hessen
14.03.2017 um 19:52 Uhr
Manifest Destiny umfasst ja Immigration, nur halt die der Amerikaner in die neue Welt. Dass die Realität zeigt, dass die westwärtsgerichtete Verschiebung der "Frontier" eher einer Invasion gleicht, zeigt wie verklärend und weltfremd dieses Konzept von den Amerikanern aufgefasst wurde. Der Spirit des Manifest Destiny ist ja die gemeinsamen Erschaffung eines neuen Landes, einem sicheren Hafen für alle die, die nach Amerika einwandern wollen. (mit Ausnahme der Wilden, die schon vorher dort waren natürlich)

Achso: "welfare state" bleibt klein
"Indians" ist die korrekte Pluralform
Bei den "Hispanics" würde ich an deiner Stelle noch ein paar Differenzierungen machen: Kubaner, Puerto-Ricaner und Mexikaner usw.

Puerto-Ricaner sind ja ebenfalls Hispanics, jedoch legale Einwanderer, schließlich ist Puerto-Rico amerikanisches Staatsgebiet
Kubaner sind auch Hispanics, jedoch hart arbeitende Einwanderer bzw politische Flüchtlinge aus dem ehemals komm. Kuba, die sehr ungerne mit den Mexikanern verglichen werden (da die das Stigma der Faulheit, der illegalen Einwanderung haben etc.)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von petresen am 14.03.2017 um 21:12 Uhr
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