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Schüler | Hessen
12.03.2015 um 13:31 Uhr
Da bisher so gut wie jedes Jahr ein Comment zu Melting Pot/Multiculturism drankam, könnten wir vllt. mal paar Argumente zusammentragen. Die hab ich von meinem Lernzettel:
Hat noch jemand welche?

Pro Melting Pot
• Faster process of integration
• People are more unified àIt’s more like a big community, will be strong towards outward influences
• Are also already unified in time of crisis
• Social integration

• Increase standard of living
• Can provide indigenous people with skills to success
• every society needs a universally accepted set of values
’ Immigrants have to be turned into Americans
• Equality

Contra Melting Pot
Cultural barrier
• Lose of values and ideals
• variety of cultures makes it difficult to accept the same standards set of American values
• People are expected to shed their own culture

Language barrier
• Enforces English, which leads to rebellion

Them and Us
• People are mostly not tolerant towards other ethnics àno assimilation
• Racism
• Sometimes more immigrants (Hispanics) than Americans
• large influxes of immigrants from the same ethnic groups tend to settle in the same area
• “American” heritage which fills most white Americans with national pride may trigger different emotions in minority groups
• the “us and them” mentality
Ø struggle for cultural superiority ’ cause of racial tensions
• ethnic groups should be allowed to retain their cultural identity in American society (similar to Britain)
• Dominant western culture

Pro Culturism
Learning from other ethnics/ For Britains
• people are more tolerant of other ethnics
• people from one culture have the possibility of learning from people with other heritages
• they can exchange experience à intellectual improvement in society
• have made the country more complex and diverse
• benefit through cultural exchange
• learn from the other culture
• learn to respect other cultures
• The ideas from diversity of view-points will strengthen the host country

For Immigrants
• Better for immigrants
• people are allowed to practice their own culture
• provides the public sense of free speech
• people are more likely to learn English
• people feel welcomed
• There is more recognition to minority groups
• equality for everyone
• can help to separate conflicting groups
• people of poor countries have the possibility to live a better life

• A greater chance that the immigrants will fight for their host country
• Attempts to create unity through difference
• economically beneficial to immigrants and the host country

Contra Multiculturism
For Britains
• loss of culture of the host country

No integration/Immigrants
• It is less successful because of having to do with problems of social cohesion, conflict, and even violence
• people are not very unified
• no social integration àsocial outsider
• It highlights difference and can increase hate crimes
• extremism/radicalisation
• racism because ethnic groups rarely interact
• British society is not always tolerant and understanding
• Social disadvantages
• creation of cultural ghettos
• Example: White teeth (prejudices/Issues, Bend it like a Beckham (social outsider because of her heritage until she becomes a soccer player àinteraction with other races)
• Caught between assimilating and preserving their culture

• no national unity
• fragmentation of society
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